Why buy?

- Our fresh products –we collect fruits and vegetables from the field daily. That is why we can provide you the freshest products.
- We have the quality certification ISO 9001, ISO 14001 and GLOBALGAP in order to ensure our products' quality.
- Our warmth climate, especially where we are located, is the best one for growing fruits and vegetables.
- We are specialists in salling fruits and vegetables to wholesalers and professionals by offering specific advantages to the companies of this sector.
- Our production volume, brought by more than 216 partners, guarantees a continuous supply.
- We provide humane and personal treatment when executing your orders. We will be at your disposal if you need additional information.
- Our sale prices guarantee the best results for you and your business.
- You will purchase directly from the producer or farmer without any intermediaries.
- Logistics –we carry your orders to wherever your business is. Place your order now and we will carry it to any location in Spain or Europe.