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We have over 58,000 square meters of modern facilities for receiving, marketing and distributing our products. They are equipped with the latest technologies to provide fast and efficient services. We would like to invite you to know a little bit more about us in the facilities of Soltir, Producer Organization of Fruits and Vegetables (OPFH.)

Soltir is environmentally responsible; it has a photovoltaic power plant capable of producing the energy we consume. Therefore, Soltir contributes to reduce the fossil fuels dependence.

facilities-2 SOLTIR Facilities Offices SOLTIR Soltir warehouse procesadoP0 SOLTIR Trucks Selection and preparation of products Soltir SOLTIR bagging greenhouse Soltir Facilities-1 Soltir scale SOLTIR facilities  processing Soltir processing Soltir processing Soltir processing Soltir processing Soltir PROCESOS-16 retoque